Roll 2 - Developing BW film at home!

It's been a super busy summer here BUT I've been finding time to practice developing and scanning black and white film at home!  Day to day life never feels pretty but there are so many little things I want to remember if and when we move away from the home where we brought our babes. I took these as an exercise to find meaning in my home..and to practice a little composition. I want to remember the mess that is my desk, I want to remember how J leaves his shoes everywhere, the non-weber grill that I told him not to buy, the sun room scattered with toys, Evie's desk, Max's high chair where he's been chowing down, and the staircase that we walked hundreds and thousands of time so that we can grill, chill, and party in the yard, and the broken pot that we still haven't removed since it was broken months ago. It's not all pretty but this is life. 

(Click the image to enlarge!)


*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac

Letters to our Children | July

Dear Children, you are everything good in this world to me. And in light of all the tragedies that seem to be happening weekly..hell, daily, I've been hiding behind you, your infectious belly giggles, and sinking into your warm embrace even more whenever I need reassurance that this world is going to be okay. It is going to be okay because we love each other and because your dad and I, along with many good people we know, are doing our best to raise our children to be kind and loving, to ALL types of people, and to fight injustice.  The justice league is in your blood, so don't try to deny it, alright? :)

Evie - After our mama-daughter breakfast date to the donut shop and drop off at daycare, I had this inkling that I've never had before. An inkling that you will somehow be my rock..our family's rock.  What I currently see as ridiculous stubbornness and uncrushable relentlessness will transform into the bravest, strongest, and most stable person in our lives one day.  Somehow I just feel that in my gut.  In so many ways, that is already true.  You are also a sensitive soul and oh boy, SO COMPETITIVE. You want to be first in everything, just like your baba!  We are trying to teach you to be a team player and how to be a good winner and loser.  What fun and how lucky we are to have you in our lives, my amazing first born. I was sitting beside you at breakfast today and you asked me to move to the seat across from you because "you couldn't see me!" That made me the happiest human on earth. I can't wait to take you to your first movie at the theater on Saturday and have more fun mama-E time.

Max - In the last few weeks, you finally started eating and loving solids!!! Your baba and I couldn't believe it when you kept asking for food and asking for more cherries after you already ate a ton.  I thought someone switched my baby boy! You are hilarious, sweet, and loving. You and Evie are playing more and more together. There are some fighting over toys but you've actually been a really good sport. And so much giggling between you and your Ga Je.  You look up to her, especially when she is riding her bicycle. You run, you walk a lot, and you even walk down some steps like a big boy, and you've been going on the bike with your baba. He said you even giggled on the bike a few times today, it's a huge deal because you can be so stoic! Your first real word that you keep using is AGUA. Good for you, always hydrate my sweety sweet. 

This is such a fun time in our lives and I imagine that I will be thinking about this summer for the rest of my life.

I love you guys so much.




*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac

Letters to our Children | June

Dear Children, you guys are hilarious and sometimes a bit insane...

Evie, you crack me up every day. That other day, when your Baba asked you why you didn't nap at school, you replied, "My eyes are dead, they were resting." I must admit that I said WTF out loud, laughed, and then made a mental note that we need to somehow incorporate those words in a song for your future rock n roll band.  You also called your father garbage recently and when we discussed this topic further, you looked me firmly in the eyes are said, "But some people ARE garbage, right Mama?" I'm like, "hmm. absolutely, but not your dad."  Then you went and asked the babysitter if she has boobies...and then whether or not there is milk inside...then you told her her stomach was big.  Oh gosh. 

I am not going to lie, Evie, the 3's have been difficult. There's been more "Stop what you are doing! Don't make me count to 3! It is dangerous! YOU NEED TO LISTEN" more than your dad and I had imagined. It seems to be this continuous test on boundaries throughout the whole day. We are learning to work with you as we go but take it easy on us every once in a while, alright?

Max, you are becoming a riot. It was somewhat shocking that my sweet sweet baby boy transformed into an opinionated and sometimes demanding little toddler.  You are coming into your own and the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. You are stubborn and determined like your dad and I but in different ways than Evie.  You now protest if you don't get what you want or isn't given what you "asked" for.  You still enjoy reading and playing by yourself but you are becoming so much more interactive.  You loved the kitty cat dance party with your dad and your sister that other day. Watching you have a blast with your sister just makes my mama heart burst.

Life is so lively with the two of you. And I love it.




Po Chi Fung is a Ventura County Lifestyle Family and Newborn Photographer, also serving Ojai, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Thousand Oaks, Oxnard, and other surrounding areas. She captures real-life moments with a documentary approach on film to tell your family's story. 

Baby boy on film! | Ventura County Newborn Photographer

Photography has led me to new friends that I otherwise wouldn't have met in my day to day and I'm so glad I got to meet Yasmina a few years ago through a film mama group. She took some beautiful film photographs of Max and I when Max was just 9 days old and I'm so happy that I got to return the favor. I might have squealed when I got my film scans back.

Motherhood, in all the different ways, is so beautiful and tender. I'm so glad I got to document some bits of these early days for Yasmina and her baby boy. 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Contact me if you'd love timeless photographs of your family and your newborn! 

Po Chi Fung is a Ventura County Lifestyle Family and Newborn Photographer, also serving Ojai, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Thousand Oaks, Oxnard, and other surrounding areas. She captures real-life moments with a documentary approach on film to tell your family's story. 

Film Friday - A Berry Summer Edition

I am cracking up over my title...can you guess what I'm going to be posting about?!

This summer feels like the best summer yet.  The kids are at such a fun age and it is beginning to be really fun having special outings with them!  If you asked me to name five things that I love about summer, then I would answer: cold brew, strawberries, peaches, watermelon, and pool.  We are slightly too early for peaches but this post contains all the rest.  We are loving our summer so far - strawberry picking, going to petting zoo birthday parties, and the pool.  Enjoy the photos :)

A mix of Fuji400H + 1 and Portra400. All developed by the FIND lab.



*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac


Film Friday - annual Cherry Blossoms edition

HOW is it Friday already again????

So...we basically didn't have a spring in DC this year and went from a whole month of rain straight to summer.  I am okay with that but I am going to think about spring a tiny bit this morning by throwing back to our visit to see the cherry blossoms two months ago.  Jeremy and I have gone almost every year since we have been together, with the exception of two years 1) Super pregnant before Evie was born and 2) we were out of the country.  Our walk downtown last year is still so vivid in my mind because I remember being so disappointed with how overcasted it was! It started out kind of exciting since this was the first time our family of 4 visited the cherry blossoms together BUT I'd say we got over it rather quickly because it was so crowded even though we got there shortly after 7am! Note: Max was strapped to the carrier the whole time, so I didn't get photographs of him on camera, but at least we have some iphone family snaps :)

I hope you enjoy these photographs :) Happy Happy Friday and have a good weekend, peeps!

All taken on a Pentax645N and a Canon 1v on portra400.



*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac

Letters to our children | May

Dear children,

Looking at these photographs from your "younger days" taken at the very beginning of my film photography journey and then looking at photographs from the most recent rolls I got developed, I can't help but reminisce. I reminisce about how little the both of you were. Max, you were still a small baby; Evie you still had some baby fat on you..a toddler, not yet a big girl. 

Max, you are running circles around me nowadays, your favorite activity seems to be un-tidying the toys and books the SECOND I tidy and stack. You are even throwing tantrums when you don't get what you want...mostly when I wouldn't let you drink water all throughout dinner. I guess I should have been prepared that you'd start to express your opinions loudly, but I wasn't ready my sweet boy.  You continue to be amazed by your Ga Je and laugh and babble and cheer whenever you know she is coming to hang out with you. 

Evie, you are my sassy, smart, and sweet girl.  Just that other day you asked if you could have a fruit as a snack after school. We said yes you can have fruit - pear, apple, banana. Then you proceeded to verify that pears, apples, and bananas were fruit. Then you asked, "is a juice box a fruit?" After I mumbled some answers, you asked, "can I have a juice box then?"  You are a smartie pants in my book and I think this will serve you well in all aspects of your life.  Though you are relentless and demanding with us, your Baba and I saw a different side of you this weekend at your classmate's birthday party.  We watched you wait your turn patiently and even watched how you did not complain or make a fuss when they forgot to give you a piece of cupcake that you had been so excitedly for.  I wished you spoke up but also know that you are learning how to be "on your own" and how to navigate the world in your own way.  Your Baba and I have so much to learn with regards to learning when we should be helping you navigate things and letting you do it on your own. 

Guys, you are my everything (well..your dad too of course). Someone once told me that having kids give you a chance to learn how to be a better person and I couldn't agree more.  I'm still learning how to take better care of myself and take better care of you guys. I am thankful for everything that we have. But I'm not going to lie that there aren't hard days when I feel completely overspent and stressed and proceed to lose my crap.  There will always be those kind of days I guess regardless of the circumstances we are dealt, but I hope that over time, you will see that even if I lose my shit that I could calm down quickly, compose myself, move on from all the negative emotions, and deal with things I need to deal with. And maybe one day, I'll be able to do all that without losing any control..because that's the kind of example I want to set for you.

I love you both more than I can ever say.




*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac

Film Friday

Somehow we skipped Spring and marched right into Summer.  Not complaining though! I will take sunny and hot days over 20+ days of rain ANY day.  Here's another round up of film photographs from our daily lives. Happy Friday!!!

My superhero is too fast for my camera.

My superhero is too fast for my camera.

Oh, don't mind the messy hair, stickers on my husband's shirt, Evie making the same dorky face as I am, and our runaway baby boy. It's a family portrait because we are all in the frame, ok?

Oh, don't mind the messy hair, stickers on my husband's shirt, Evie making the same dorky face as I am, and our runaway baby boy. It's a family portrait because we are all in the frame, ok?


*Po Chi Fung is a Washington DC and MD lifestyle and documentary family photographer serving Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Rockville, and Potomac