Life Lately…on Lomography Lady Grey 35mm film // Ventura County Family Photographer

Hi friends, how are you doing? Feeling better now that mercury is no longer in retrograde? I know I do!

I’m still trying to get a good handle on Tokyo life and slowly accepting that that might never happen, at least not before we return to Ventura, California! BUT a little routine is starting to form and I sure am making the most of this city. I’ve got my little flower shop where I like to buy one flower for my little vase which adds cheers to our apartment and we have our weekly rotation of restaurants we love eating at every Friday after the kids’ soccer practice. I’ve lost count of how many rice balls I’ve eaten from the little rice shop around the corner of our apartment and the number of bottles of CC lemon with the special ingredient to combat fatigue I’ve drank. Despite Google Translate, I still have NO IDEA what makes that drink work! I’m also sight seeing as much as I can while the kids are at school and Jeremy’s at work.

Some days it is easy to not photograph..especially when days feel so very ordinary. But those are the days that SHOULD be photographed, you know? My friend, Micah and I were chatting one day and we decided it’d be fun to photograph a little of our day on a random September Sunday..and that’s what we did. I dusted off my Contax G1 and popped in a roll of Lomo Lady Grey that I bought when I was in Kyoto. Here are some of my favorites from that random Sunday where E and I visited the Matsuya Ginza biannual used camera sale and the Sailor Moon Museum….and a few on that roll from other ordinary days. I hope you enjoy it :)

-Po Chi

Nerd facts:

Film: Lomography Lady Grey B&W 35mm.

Camera: Contax G1

Film Lab: Foto Ueno in Tokyo